1. First get your hands on the latest version of lampp stack.

2. Extract them to /opt folder

3. Go to terminal and change directory to /opt/lampp ( cd /opt/lampp)

4. Type the command ” ./lampp start”

5. After starting the stack go to your browser and type localhost.

6. If you dont get the XAMPP page then try restarting your lampp stack using step 4.

7. If a another mysql daemon is running, stop it using  ” service mysqld stop “.

8. Also ” chkconfig mysqld off “, restart your system.

9. Then perform these commands , chown -hR root /opt/lampp

10. ” chmod 777 /opt/lampp ”

11. Then ” /opt/lampp/lampp restart ”

12. Then if you are not able to login to phpmyadmin try the following command, ” chmod a-w /opt/lampp/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php “.