Category: Server Administration


A handy note for a system admin

Proxy setup – Squid

1. yum -y install squid

2. vi /etc/squid/squid.conf

3. Edit the config file as shown


# line 31: add ( define new ACL )

acl lan src

http_access allow localhost

# line 59: add ( allow defined ACL above )

http_access allow lan

# line 64: change

http_port 8080

# add at the last line

request_header_access Referer deny all
request_header_access X-Forwarded-For deny all
request_header_access Via deny all
request_header_access Cache-Control deny all

# add (specify hostname)

visible_hostname (proxy name)

# add (hide IP address)

forwarded_for off

4. service squid restart

5. chkconfig squid on


Nice article

NFS Setup

1. Install the nfs packages (nfs portmap)

yum install nfs portmap

2. Restart the services and enable at startup

service nfs restart

service portmap restart

chkconfig nfs on

chkconfig portmap on

3. Add entry to your nfs file(exports)

vi /etc/exports

4. Make the following changes just a sample is given change according to your requirements


5. Change SELinux context

setsebool -P samba_share_nfs=1

6. Restart nfs and portmap

You must now be able to access NFS

1. Install the packages required for running http server

yum install httpd

2. Restart the service and enable at boot up

service httpd restart

chkconfig httpd on

3.  Create a Sample html file named index.html under /var/www/html

4. Go to your browser and type http://(ip-address)

5. Your http server must be up and running. The page you just created must appear.

1. Install the packages required for Samba

yum install samba

2.Restart the services and enable them at boot

service smb restart

chkconfig smb on

3. Edit the samba configuration file

vi /etc/samba/smb.conf

4. Make the following changes

(in the line containing)


hosts allow = 172.24.      127.                      (make sure your ip address/network address is included)

Add or edit the following lines depending on your requirement , am providing a sample here


path=/common  (path that is exported for samba server)

browseable=yes (readable or not)

valid users= tony   (give user names who can use this service)

5. Now issue the following commands in terminal

smbpasswd -a tony

(Give password)

chcon -R -t samba_share -t /common

service smb restart


6. To check whether your samba server is up or not

log on to another system and use smbclient //address/common -U tony