I would prefer people using HybridFox plugin in Mozilla Firefox for managing instances and images in Eucalyptus.

You can get it from this link


Jus open this file using Firefox in “Open with” option while you right click on the file (.xpi).

This is a simple tutorial which doesnt cover EBS.Get your credentials from your cloud admin or generate a new key pair from the Euca Web Interface.

SCP your key

Syntax: scp -i yourkey.private euca2-xxxxxxx-x509.zip root@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/mnt

Get an instance of the existing image running on one of the Node controllers.

Install rsync from yum repo

yum install rsync unzip

Unzip your credentials to /mnt,or which ever file system that has enough disk space.

unzip euca2-admin-x509.zip -d euca/

Source your scripts

. /mnt/euca/eucarc

Install Euca2ools


Bundle your image

euca-bundle-vol -c ${EC2_CERT} -k ${EC2_PRIVATE_KEY} -u ${EC2_USER_ID} --ec2cert ${EUCALYPTUS_CERT} --no-inherit --kernel eki-KKKKKKKK --ramdisk eri-RRRRRRRR -d /mnt -r ARCH -p NEW_IMAGE_NAME -s SIZE_IN_MBs -e /mnt,/root/.ssh,OTHER_DIRS_TO_EXCLUDE


eki-KKKKKKKK -> same as with running instance
eri-RRRRRRRR -> same as with running instance

Upload the Bundle

euca-upload-bundle -b BUCKET_NAME -m /mnt/NEW_IMAGE_NAME.manifest.xml

Synchronize your time (if error occurs )

yum install -y ntp
ntpdate pool.ntp.org

Register the bundle

euca-register BUCKET_NAME/NEW_IMAGE_NAME.manifest.xml